Code Index

G 76 (Also known as JH 76).

Codes 1 - 35 were collected by A.C.Radda, Ed Pürzl & Dr.J.H.Huber in the centre & south of Gabon in a 2 week period.
Codes 36 - 59 were collected over a 4 week period to the north of Gabon. Radda was not part of this part of the trip.
Dr.J.H.Huber in an article entitled 'Rapport sur la deuxième expédition au Gabon (août 79) Etude des Cyprinodontidés récoltés' in Rev.fr.Aquariol., 7 (1980), 2, 10th October 1980 carried on with these codes starting at 201 - 232. Some of these fish were circulated & were known as JH codes
Brosset also added codes 233 - 235.

G76 / 1 - Cap Estérias A.simulans (now 'escherichi'), E.sexfasciatus, Hemichromis fasciatus, freshwater shrimps. Collected in the property of the forestry school, 2 km before the end of the road.
G76 / 2 - Cap Estérias A.australe (young fish). 800 metres to the north of location 1.
G76 / 3 - 4-5 km north of Libreville A.striatum, Ep.ansorgii, Neolebias ansorgii (?) & a large Eleotride.
G76 / 4 - Libreville airport Tilapia sp.
G76 / 5 - Ekoredo. Libreville - N'djolé road, 17 km east of Bifoun. Ep.cf.ansorgii.
G76 / 6 - 18 km east of N'djolé Plataplochilus cf.chalcopyrus, Ep.sexfasciatus (yellow form), Nannaethiops unitaeniatus, Barbus holotaenia, Micralestes sp. & a Cyprinid. The biotope was a fast flowing brook.
G76 / 7 - 7 km west of Alembé Barbus trispilomimus (?). The biotope was a fast flowing brook.
G76 / 8 - Jangavi, a small village 31 km from Alembé Barbus trispilomimus & Plataplochilus sp.
G76 / 9 - Two bridges after crossing the Ogooué river. Barbus trispilomimus & Plataplochilus sp.
G76 / 10 - The area of Abeilles, 136 km north of Lastoursville on the Route 'economique' A.lamberti, Hemichromis fasciatus (?), Clarias sp. A small brook with little movement.
G76 / 11 - After Franceville, 6 km to the west of Léconi, 200 metres before the D'jouélé River. A.rectogoense, Ep.cf.nigricans, Tilapia (?) sp.
G76 / 12 - 4 km from the Setra camp, 15 km west of the 700 metre altitude. Barbus holotaenia (?).
G76 / 13 - 4 km west of Bongoville. B.holotaenia (?), Ctenopoma sp.
G76 / 14 - Near the Kéléomoy crossroads, M'Passa basin. A.rectogoense, Hemichromis fasciatus (?).
G76 / 15 - 13 km northwest of Moanda on the road to Mounana. Lékédi basin. A.coeleste (no male), Plataplochilus cabindae (?), Barbus sp.
500 metres further on down the road males of A.coeleste were collected in an arm of the same stream.
Biotopes were slow running brook with stagnant pools.
G76 / 16 - Mountain road from St.Anne to Lastoursville. 45 km south of Lastoursville & 12 km southeast of Bogadio. A.lamberti, Barbus trispilomimus (?). A brook with many confused branches.
G76 / 17 - 6 km southwest of Lastoursville. A.lamberti, Barbus trispilomimus (?). A small, flowing brook.
G76 / 18 - 14 km northeast of Koulamoutou. A.punctatum, Ctenopoma sp., Barbus sp. & a Mormyrid. Biotope described as a 'brook with foul odor'.
G76 / 19 - Moulobia. Hepsetus odoe & B.trispilomimus (?). A grassy brook.
G76 / 20 - 6 km to the west of Mimongo towards Lébamba, southern Gabon in the Migoto - Ogoulou stream system between Magara and Lamadou.. A.ocellatum (yellow form), A.joergenscheeli (blue form), Barbus sp.
A small flowing brook.
G76 / 21 - 22 km to the west of Mimongo. A.citrineipinnis, A.joergenscheeli & 'Catfish sp.' A stream of considerable size.
G76 / 22 - Epamboua (12 km from the ferry) A. ocellatum, A.joergenscheeli. Biotope was a secondary forest brook.
G76 / 23 - About 20 km north of Lébamba. Altitude 250 metres. A.primigenium, Plataplochilus sp. This collection was made at night & the fish were shocked.
G76 / 24 - 1 km from Lébamba towards N'dendé. Young A.primigenium were collected in a brook with herbaceous banks.
G76 / 25 - The road from Ndendé to Mayoumba, 500 metres after the village of Makaboa towards Tchibanga. A.primigenium & Ctenopoma sp.
G76 / 26 - 5 km east of the previous location towards N'dendé. Plataplochilus sp. & Ctenopoma sp.
G76 / 27 - 26 km from location 25, near to Banyanga. A.primigenium, Plataplochilus sp., Ep.aff.multifasciatus & Ctenopoma sp.
G76 / 28 - 59 km from N'dendé towards Mouila. Plataplochilus, Ep.cf.ansorgii, Barbus sp & Mormyrid. The biotope was in open water.
G76 / 29 - Mouila. Young Aphyosemion not identified. Dry brook.
G76 / 30 - 300 metres from the village of Ngoudoufola. A.exigoideum, Ep.aff.multifasciatus, Ep.cf.ansorgii, Plataplochilus sp., Characin & Nannocharax sp. Large shallow forest brook.
G76 / 31 - On the road from Mandilou towards Fougamou. A.exigoideum, Ep.sexfasciatus (?) , Ep.cf.ansorgii, Nannocharax sp., Hemichromis fasciatus, Barbus holotaenia (?). Small forest brook.
G76 / 32 - 43 km from Fougamou towards Lambaréné. A.gabunense & Ep.sexfasciatus.
G76 / 33 - 5 km from Lambaréné towards Kango. A.striatum, Gobiidae & Neolebias ansorgii (?). The biotope was an almost stagnant brook.
G76 / 34 - About 30 km from the previous collection, 9 km southwest of Bifoun.Near to Bifoun, Gabon. A.marginatum, Plataplochilus cf.chalcopyrus, Ep.sexfasciatus, Chromidotilapia sp., Neolebias ansorgii, Hemichromis fasciatus, other Cichlid sp. Biotope was small bodies of water in the remains of a dried out brook.
G76 / 35 - Near the village of Gricole, 118 km from Lambaréné. A.striatum.
Radda left the trip at this point.  
G76 / 36 - Cap Estérias, between locations 2 & 3. A.australe, A.simulans (now 'escherichi'), Ep.sexfasciatus, Neolebias ansorgii (?).
G76 / 37 - Makokou, below Catholic Mission. A.cyanostictum, Ep.aff.sangmelinensis, Ctenopoma sp. all young. Swamp biotope.
G76 / 38 - 47 km from Makokou towards Mékambo & 7 km towards Bélinga before the D'jadié River. Ep.aff.sangmelinensis, Pelmatochromis (Pelvicachromis)(?) sp., Mormyrid & Grasseichthys gabonensis.
G76 / 39 - The village of Massaha, 56 km from Makokou. A.punctatum, Ep.aff.sangmelinensis, A.cyanostictum, Barbus sp., Ctenopoma sp., Catfish sp.
G76 / 40 - Ybong village, 7 km from Mékambo towards the northern gorge & the Congo. A.punctatum, Ep.aff.sangmelinensis, Barbus sp.
G76 / 41 - About 25 km from Mékambo. Ctenopoma sp.
G76 / 42 - About 30 km from Mékambo. A.abacinum, A.kunzi (splendidum), Ep.aff.sangmelinensis, Procatopus sp., Hylopanchax silvestris, Characin, Cichlid, Cyprinids, Grasseichthys gabonensis.
G76 / 43 - Below the BRGM station A.kunzi (splendidum), Ep.aff.sangmelinensis, Mastacembellus sp., Ctenopoma sp., Cichlid.
G76 / 44 - Aerodrome road, 2 km after the previous collection. A.kunzi (splendidum), Catfish. The biotope was a water hole in the middle of the forest.
G76 / 45 - 5 km from Mékambo towards Makokou. A.kunzi (splendidum), Ep.aff.sangmelinensis, Catfish. Stagnant water.
G76 / 46 - 102 km from Mékambo in the direction of Makokou. A.punctatum (large). A mountain brook which was a tributary of the D'jadié River.
G76 / 47 - Road from Makokou to Lalara, 2 km to the west of Ovan. A.cameronense.
G76 / 48 - The crossroads of the Lalara - Mitzic road. A.herzogi, A.aff.cameronense, Ep.aff.sangmelinensis.
G76 / 49 - 3 km from Mitzic on the road to the village of Na. A.cameronense.
G76 / 50 - The village of Sam on the road from Mitzic to Médouneu. A.cameronense, Barbus sp., Ctenopoma sp., Cichlid.
G76 / 51 - 5 km east of Médouneu. A.cameronense, Ctenopoma sp., Barbus sp. A fast flowing brook.
G76 / 52 - The crossroads of the Catholic Mission of Médouneu. Collected 28th August 1976 near the Catholic Mission at Médouneu. A small marshy stream with very clear water. A.mimbon, A.sp.aff.herzogi, Ctenopoma sp, Clarias sp., Barbus sp.
G76 / 53 - 16 km after Médouneu. 16kms west of Médouneu on the road to Libreville. Near the village of Nkinnen (Nkinén). A 'reasonably large stream with sluggish almost standing water 100 metres from the village'. The stream was called the Mja (Mia). Water temperature 23°C, muddy base & a strong smell of decay. Manioc was stored in the stream here. A.mimbon, Ctenopoma sp.,characin.
G76 / 54 - The village of Akoga, 55 km from Médouneu. Collected 29th August 1976. A.mimbon (type locality) , A.cf.herzogi, Barbus sp.
G76 / 55 - Song village, 6 km north of Méla. Collected 30th August. Stream is 3-6 metres wide. water depth 60 cm. Base was pebbles, small stones & rocks scattered in the middle of the stream some with Anubias. A.aff.obscurum (A.etsamense), A.aff.herzogi, Procatopus sp. Readings at 4 pm were water temperature 20·5°C, pH 6·5, 1·5 dGH. Fish were few & found in calm places.
G76 / 56 - 6 km south of Kouamé. Ep.sexfasciatus, A.striatum, Ctenopoma sp. A marshy brook near a forest camp.
G76 / 57 - 6 km from Kouamé on the road to the landing stage. A.striatum, A.simulans (escherichi), Barbus sp.
G76 / 58 - 2 km after the crossroads on the road to Kinguélé. Ep.sexfasciatus, A.simulans (escherichi), A.cf.striatum, Characin, Mormyrid, Cichlid. A fast flowing brook.
G76 / 59 - On the road between Kango to Libreville, 2 km west of Ntoum. A.striatum.