Aphyosemion zygaima Huber 1981

A.zygaima Mindouli. Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.

Meaning of Name

According to Huber zygaima is named after the blood red flame pattern in the caudal fin.

First Description

Huber J.H. 1981.

A new but well known Aphyosemion species from the southern Congolese plateau, Aphyosemion zygaima n. sp.

Tropical Fish Hobbyist 29 (8): p 27-30, 2 figures.


5.5 cm

  • D = 12-13, A = 15-16, D/A = +6, ll = 30-33 (Huber 1981)
  • D = 12-13, A = 15-16, ll = 30-32 (+2-3) (Radda & Pürzl 1987)

n = 10, A = 20 (Scheel 1968 as Aphyosemion louessense Scheel 1990)





  • Aphyosemion louessense (non Pellegrin 1931) Scheel 1968 (in part)

Photo courtesy of Maurice Chauche & the KCF website.

Type Locality

100 miles west of Brazzaville at Mindouli, southern Peoples Republic of Congo. JH 175


Localised to the Mindouli region.


Savannah regions.

Distinguishing Characteristics  
Colour/Pattern Variability Low

Scheel in ROTOW 1 mentions this fish although at the time they were thought to be A.louessense. He gives 2 colour photos on pages 276 & 277. In 1964 live fish were collected by Brichard & Roberts. The Danish United Nations Military Forces which were serving in the Congo at this time obtained some specimens which were given to Scheel. Amongst these specimens were an Aphyosemion species which were collected close to Mindouli 'on the upper reaches of the Niari River, an affluent of the Kouilou River'.

Scheel also reported a similar fish kept by Ted Seymour (BKA) in Scotland in 1964.

Lambert also had similar fish from other parts of the Kouilou River drainage. He also had other fish from this drainage which Scheel considered not to be louessense but having 'some traits in common' with his louessense strain.

Breeding Notes

Regarded as a difficult species to breed. Water incubation takes 10-14 days (14 days at 70°F). Growth is slow & they can take 6-8 months to grow to adulthood. Newly hatched fry should be given infusoris as a first food.
Thought to be egg eaters.

It has been mentioned that this species does not breed when water changes are undertaken.

Diameter of Egg 1·5mm