Fundulopanchax mirabilis traudeae (Radda 1971)

Distributed in the BKA early 1980's as A.mirabile traudeae. Note clear anal fin.

Meaning of Name

After the wife of Dr.A.C.Radda - Traude Radda.

First Description

Radda A.C. 1970 (Aphyosemion mirabile traudeae).

Wunderkarpflinge aus Westkamerun mit der vorläufigen Beschreibung von Aphyosemion mirabile traudeae nov. subspec.

Vivarium 1: p1-4, figures, map.


7 cm


D = 13, A = 15, D/A 6·5, ll = 32




  • Aphyosemion traudeae Radda 1971
  • Aphyosemion 'K3' (BKA import, temporary code)
  • Aphyosemion mirabile traudeae 'intermittent Populationen' Radda 1973
  • Fundulopanchax mirabilis traudeae Lazara 1984
  • Aphyosemion (Paraphyosemion) mirabile traudeae Huber 1994
  • Ebombo - CO 4
  • Fainschang
  • Manyemen
  • N'guti - CG 2001
  • Tinto

Male collected 8 km from the crossing Bakebe - Bingwa - Nguti to Nguti, Cameroon.
Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.

Wild male collected 10 km.north of Nguti at shallow edges of a small river.
Photo courtesy of Eckhard

Female collected 8 km from the crossing Bakebe - Bingwa - Nguti to Nguti, Cameroon.
Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.

Type Locality

Brook on the southern side of Manyemen, upper southern Cross River system, western Cameroon.


Only found in the Ngongolon River basin (upper Cross River basin) near Manyemen, Ebanga and between Nkomeku and Besing Kisen, western Cameroon.


Notes made at the time of collecting the 'K3' code mentioned streams with 'water in full spate, well shaded & cool'. Fish were observed to be sheltering in quiet marginal areas. The pH was measured at 5·5-6·5. The DH was not available in the reference (BKA newsletter 63, November 1970) but was considered to be 'generally soft'.

Distinguishing Characteristics  
Colour/Pattern Variability  

The BKA imported fish from Cameroon in 1970. One of these sp. was coded 'K3' (Kumba). Radda described Aphyosemion mirabile moense in 1970 & Scheel identified these 'K3' fish as this subsp. in the BKA newsletter No.74, October 1971.

Breeding Notes

In BKA No.63 observations noted them to be shy, preferring the bottom half of the tank. Eggs were laid in bottom mops. The water depth was 5".. Water temperature 74°F, pH 6·6, DH 7. Eggs which were water incubated at a temperature of 72°F hatched in 16 days.

Diameter of Egg Large & colourless.