Fenerbache devosi Sonnenberg R., Woeltjes T. & J. van der Zee 2011

F.devosi AVD 2007 / 2
Photo courtesy of Heinz Ott.

Meaning of Name

Fenerbache is Turkish in origin & shares it's name with a Turkish football team - Fenerbache Istanbul.

After Luc De Vos, head of the Ichthyology department of the National Museums of Kenya, who passed away in 2003. He made many collections in the Congo drainage including this sp.

First Description

Sonnenberg R., Woeltjes T. & J. van der Zee - 2011

Description of Fenerbahce devosi (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), A new species of dwarf killifish from the eastern Congo Basin in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Zootaxa 2966: 1–12 (2011)


Holotype male - 23·6 mm. Females used in the description were 14·9–18·4 mm. Males have been recorded at 38 mm in the aquarium.

Meristics D= 8-9, A= 14-16, D/A= 1/8-9.



  • Fenerbahce sp. aff. devosi
  • Aphyosemion spec.AVD 2007 / 1
  • Fenerbahce spec.AVD 2007 / 2


  • AVD 2007 / 1
  • AVD 2007 / 2

AVD 2007 / 1 - Located 7 kms north of Ubundu. Sympatric sp. A.musafirii.

AVD 2007 / 02
Photo Courtesy of Rui Choças


AVD 2007 / 2 - Located 67 kms south of the ferry across the Congo on road R410 to Ubundu. Sympatric sp. A.musafirii.

Type Locality

Located 67 km south from the ferry across the Congo River at Kisangani, towards Ubundu on road R410, Ruiki River drainage, collection
locality AVD 2007/2, collected by local people for J. Musafiri and A. Van Deun, 22nd October 2007.
Paratypes were collected 7km north of Ubundu along the railway towards Kisangani. This was location AVD 20007/1.


Near Ubundu. Along the Congo River both sides of Kisangani. Those collected up river were called F.devosi whilst those collected down river were called F.sp.aff.devosi.


Small brooks & rivers off the Congo River.

Distinguishing Characteristics

A more anterior dorsal fin relative to the anal. Long extensions to caudal fin. Different colouration to F.formosus. F.devosi is a larger sp. than formosus (38 mm verses 30 mm).
F.devosi is a more compact & deeper bodied fish than F.formosus. Upper jaw is shorter.

Colour/Pattern Variability Probably low.

Collected 22nd October 2007 by Arend Van Deun on the AVD 2007 trip at points 1 & 2. Actually Arend & J.Musafiri gave nets to locals in the area of Ubundu on the road from Kisangani.

Breeding Notes

Heinz Ott in BKA newsletter No.554, May/June 2013 gives a breeding report for the AVD 2007 / 2 population. Water was a combination of tap, peat & demineralised. No water readings taken. Alder cones were used also. Tank furnished with 3 mops reaching the base, peat fibres & Java moss. Eggs laid in mops were 'somewhat whitish, transparent'. Later eggs were found in the Java moss but most in the peat fibres. Eggs laid at 2-5 per day. He comments that more eggs were found before a rainy day or after a water change.
Eggs taken from the mops & put into another container with water from the tank. A drop of Esha 2000 was added to 200ml water. About one third of these eggs went fungussed. Eggs started to hatch after 14 days at 24°C. Some eggs took longer & a water change was tried but did not work. Carrying the eggs around in a pocket did not work either. Resistant eggs were put in another container & a food tablet added. During the folowing 6 hours 4 fry hatched.
Fry are small on hatching & Paramecium, Java moss & a handful of peat fibre was added along with some snails. At 10 days fry could be seen taking newly hatched brine shrimp.
After 4 weeks the young were nearly 1 cm. After 10 weeks young start developing a yellow colour in their fins.
Some abnormalities were seen in young like swollen bellies, tiny dorsal fins & others.
Another method used later was to leave the spawning tank for 2-3 weeks then take out the parents.

Diameter of Egg Less than 1 mm.

Other fish were mentioned in the original paper which are considered not to belong to this species - F.sp.Epulu (towards the Ugandan border), F.sp. East Congo (south of Kisangani & south of Kindu), F.sp.Tshuapa (in the Tshuapa drainage which joins the Congo River at Mbandaka).