Aphyosemion melinoeides Sonnenberg 2007


Meaning of Name

After the orange colouration in the throat.

First Description

Sonnenberg R. 2007.

Description of Three new species of the genus Chromaphyosemion Radda 1971 (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae) from coastal plains of Cameroon with a preliminary review of the Chromaphyosemion splendopleure complex.

Zootaxa 1591: 1-38, 2007.





Sub-Genus Chromaphyosemion
  • Chromaphyosemion sp. 'Black Molly'
  • Chromaphyosemion sp. No.6


  • ABC 05 / 22 - West of Nagadjo
  • ABC 05 / 23 - West of Naha
  • ABC 05 / 24 - Nko'olong
  • ABC 05 / 39 - Ebome
  • ABC 05 / 58 - 700m North of Lolabe River
  • CMM 36
  • CMM 38
  • KEK 98 / 9
  • KEK 98 / 10 ( Also called Chrom. sp. No.6 Fenda )
  • KEK 98 / 12
  • sp. No. 6
  • CMM 36 - See Type Locality.
  • CMM 38 - On the Kribi to Ebolowa road near the village of Fenda.Collected by Kämpf, Sonnenberg & Tränkner in 2000.
  • KEK 98 / 9 - On the Kribi to Ebolowa road near the village Njabilobé.Collected by Eberl, Kämpf & Kliesch in 1998.
  • KEK 98 / 10 - On the Kribi to Ebolowa road in a small stream called Mintang near the village of Fenda. Collected by Eberl, Kämpf & Kliesch in 1998. This collection referred to as sp. No. 6.
  • KEK 98 / 12 - On the road between Akom II & Bipindi. Found sympratricallly with A.loennbergi.
Type Locality

On the road between Kribi & Ebolowa, Cameroon. Collected in the first stream crossing the road after the village of Akok in the direction of Ebolowa. This was location CMM 36. Collected by Kämpf, Sonnenberg & Tränkner in 2000.


Along the Kribi / Ebolowa road between Akok & Akom II. Also extends along the road from Akom II to Bipindi. In this location ( KEK 98 / 12 ) it was found with A.loennbergi.


The type locality is a small stream crossing a road - 1·5 m wide & 0·5 m deep. Bottom layer was sand & gravel with leaves & dead wood. This area was shaded by forest. Water temperature 25·9°C, air temperature 31·3°C, pH 6·5, electrical conductivity between 10 & 20 µS/cm. Sympatric sp. Aphyosemion ahli.

Distinguishing Characteristics The subgenus Chromaphyosemion can be hard to seperate for the novice breeder. This species seems to have the ability to turn from blue to black. This is probably a fright pattern. Throat areas are reported to turn orange.
Colour/Pattern Variability  

Collected in November 1992 by Wolfgang Herzog, Hans-Jürgen Jochim & Richard Roth in a stream near Akok. Due to its dark colouration it was called Chromaphyosemion sp. 'Black Molly'. Two pairs were taken back to Germany but the males died within a few days.
In 1997 Jap Vlaming collected a fish resembling A.lugens not far from Akok.
In 1998 Kliesch, Eberl & Kämpf tried to locate the area of the 1992 collection but could not find the stream. Instead they collected near Akok & Fenda. These fish were similar to those collected by Vlaming in 1997. They also found fish on the Akom II to Bipindi road up to Toko (between Malomba & Nlonkeng which is 20-30 km north of Akom II). These fish were circulated as Chromaphyosemion sp. No.6.
Agnèse classified them as a subspecies of A.lugens.
Sonnenberg later described these as a ful species in 2007.

Breeding Notes

Given the water qualities in the 'Habitat' section this sp. would be best suited to soft slightly acid water on a bed of silver sand. Leaves & bogwood would be a good introduction. As the area is forested the tank would do better in a shaded location.

Diameter of Egg  