Aphyosemion citrineipinnis Huber & Radda 1977

A.citrineipinnis TBT 98 / 8
Photo courtesy of Peter Tirbak

Meaning of Name

After the general yellow colouration of the fins.

First Description

Huber J.H & Radda A.C. 1977.

Cyprinodontiden Studien in Gabun IV Das du Chaillu Massif.

Aquaria 24 : 89-110.


4.5 cm ( Radda & Pürzl 1987).


D = 11-12, A = 15-16, D/A = +7-8, ll = 29-30 + 2-3.









  • Yeno
  • BBW 00 / 4
  • BBW 00 / 5
  • BBW 00 / 6
  • BBW 00 / 7
  • BSWG 97 / 21
  • BSWG 97 / 22 - Ekembele
  • EBT 96 / 22 - Ekembélé
  • GBG 93 / 2 (aff. citrinepinnis)
  • GEB 94 / 1
  • GEB 94 / 2 (aff. citrinepinnis)
  • GJS 00 / 3 - Massika
  • GJS 00 / 4 - 1km Ekembele
  • GJS 00 / 25 - Mouila-Mimongo
  • JH 76 / 21 - Yéno. 22km to the west of Mimongo, southern Gabon
  • PEG 96 / 19 - Boulembo
  • TDK 97 / 25


Yéno, Gabon. Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.

BSWG 97 / 21 Taken at the 2001 BKA convention.

GEB94 / 1 male
Photo courtesy of Vasco Gomes


BSWG 97 / 22 Ekembele
Photo courtesy of Vasco Gomes

GEB 94 / 2

Photo courtesy of Tony Terceira

GEB94 / 1 female
Photo courtesy of Vasco Gomes

A.citreinipinnis Yéno, Gabon. Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.

Type Locality

G21 / 76. A rapidly flowing mountain river near Yéno, Mogambi Ogoudou - Ougoulou. A drainage system of the Ngounie River drainage, southern Gabon. Width of this stream was 2 - 12 metres which was damned to provide a washing place near a road. Water depth was 10 - 60 cm. Measurements taken at 15.30 hrs were - air temperature 24°C, water temperature 20·5°C, DH ·5, pH 5·5. Sympatric sp. included A.joergenscheeli & catfish sp. Collected on the 9th August 1976.


The Du Chaillu Massif, to the north & west of Mimongo, in the Ngounié River system south, central Gabon.


The type locality is a rapidly flowing mountain river 2 - 12 metres wide. This river was damned to form a washing place. Water measurements taken at 1530 hrs were water temperature 20·5°C, pH 5·5, DH ·5, water depth 10 - 60 cm.
Mogens Juhl commented that he collected this sp. from 250 up to 530 metres above sea level.
He also reported from a few kms from Bandi - "seeing 3 adult A.citrineipinnis in a stream which crossed the road with a lot of current and acted just like salmon waiting in the stream to jump upwards.
This behaviour surprised me a lot as I have always found typical Aphyosemion to be a little non robustly built for that kind of activity.
For the A.citrineipinnis this was a wise way to act, as they easily find all kinds of insects and other food that the stream was carrying".

GJS 00 / 25. Photo courtesy of Mogens Juhl.
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GJS 00 / 4. Photo courtesy of Mogens Juhl.

GJS 00 / 4. Photo courtesy of Mogens Juhl.

Distinguishing Characteristics

This sp. has no red markings in fins or body which seperates it from most Aphyosemion. Un-paired fins are lemon yellow with a light blue/purple colour can be seen on the body.

It is reported that a faint dark spot may appear near the base of the pectoral fins when the fish are frightened.

Colour/Pattern VariabilityLow


Breeding Notes

Reportedly hard to breed but also similar to an easier sp. A.ocellatum. Breeding follows the same pattern as A.ocellatum. The eggs should be water incubated & hatch in 2 - 3 weeks. Maturity comes slowly & 6 months will need to pass for the young to reach it.

A natural breeding set up where the fry are allowed to grow on in the parents tank is thought to be better.

It has been reported that they breed successfully at 16-18°C. Also it has been noted that they start to lay during bad weather or low barometric pressure.

Diameter of Egg 