Aphyosemion bualanum (Ahl 1924)

Mayo. Photo courtesy of Martin Fourcade.

Meaning of Name

From the type locality - Buala.

First Description

Panchax bualanus (Ahl 1924).

Zur Systematik der altweltlichen Zahnkarpfen der Unterfamilie Fundulinae. Zoologischer Anzeiger 60 (1-2): 54-55.


Ahl measured them at 32mm SL in 1924.

  • D = 11, A = 14, ll = 32 (Ahl 1924)
  • D = 11-12, A = 14-16, ll = 30-33, D/A = 1/5-8 for A.cameronense after Blache 1964



n = 20, A = 34


Mesoaphyosemion (but may be related to A.bamilekorum).



  • Panchax bualanus Ahl 1924a
  • Panchax cameronensis (non-Boulenger 1903) Holly 1930.
  • Aphyosemion cameronense (non-Boulenger 1903) Blache 1964.
  • Aphyosemion bualanum Scheel 1968 (in part).

See also A.elberti.



  • Batibo N'Gozaau River - CB3SR 07 / 15
  • Makenene CLL 03 / 12
  • Mayo
  • Sambolobo
  • CFE 04 / 5
Type Locality

O-Sangha Uham, Buala (now re-named Bouala).


Northern Cameroon, western Central African Republic & south eastern Chad but may also inhabit eastern Nigeria.

Drainage systems known to be inhabited by this sp. include the upper Longoni & Chari Rivers, the Mayo Kebbi River & may also inhabit the upper Benue River.


Small brooks & streams in forested areas. The type locality was a location at an altitude of 1200m.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Live specimens are not available for study but the preserved material showed them to be a robust sp. with short, slightly pointed fins & a truncated caudal fin.

Preserved in alcohol the colouration according to Ahl (1924) is grey olive with a large number of narrow cross-bars on the body. Fins are reported to be dark or black.

Colour/Pattern Variability Unknown, due to no live material to study.

For many years this sp. name was used for many populations of A.elberti. Since Seegers reviewed preserved specimens in the Zoological Museum of Berlin in 1988 it has been generally accepted that most of the populations now belong to A.elberti.

Breeding Notes

Unknown but possibly similar to A.elberti.

Diameter of Egg  

At the present time (2000) they are not in circulation in the hobby.