PEG 94

Collected by Wolfgang Eberl & Guido Passaro, August 1994, northern Gabon.

PEG94 / 1 Yeno. Another reference (DKG website) gives La Scierle, 42kms east of Makokou. D.abacinum, D.georgiae, A.punctatum, E.neumanni, A.kunzi
PEG94 / 2 Massaha, 56kms east of Makokou. A.mimbon, (A.punctatum ? DKG website reference)
PEG94 / 3 Nkazi, 45kms east of Makokou. A.mimbon, E.neumanni, (A.punctatum ? DKG website reference)
PEG94 / 4
PEG94 / 5 S Mb..... ((DKG website) A.mimbon, E.neumanni, Hylopanchax stictopleuron, (A.punctatum ? DKG website reference)
PEG94 / 6
PEG94 / 7 56kms from the end of the tarmac road surface at Makokou. After the village of Bissobilam on the Ovan to Koumaméyong road. A stream crosses the road. Probably the same location as LEC 93/8. A.cameronense, E.neumanni, D.fulgens, Barbs, characin, a Ctenopoma sp & a catfish were collected.
PEG94 / 8 60kms from Makokou. A stream crosses the road. A.cameronense, E.neumanni. D.fulgens (No fish from this collection brought back alive).
PEG94 / 9 E.neumanni
PEG94 / 10 73kms west of Makokou in the Bibolé stream near Agnang - to the north of the village. A.cameronense, E.neumanni (both species found in large numbers), D.georgiae.
PEG94 / 11 8kms west of the bridge over the Mvoung in Ovan, between Ayol Allar & Ebé. A.cameronense, E.neumanni (None of these brought back live to Europe).
PEG94 / 12 Bitsango
PEG94 / 13 Dibassa, 26·4kms south of Moukabou. Stream 15kms west of the bridge in Ovan, near the village of Messé which crosses the road. A.maculatum & D.georgiae were found but not returned to Europe.
PEG94 / 14 18kms west of the bridge in Ovan. The Messé stream crosses the road between Messé & Mélané. This collection was brought back alive to Europe & distributed. A.maculatum
PEG94 / 15 26kms west of the bridge at Ovan. A.sp.aff.cameronense Phenotype 5 (only 6 collected). Collected 14th August.
PEG94 / 16 7kms west of Koumaméyong on the Lalara road between the districts of Djidji I & Djidji II. A.cameronense (1 male only), E.neumanni (2 specimens), D.georgiae. None of these fish brought back alive to Europe).
PEG94 / 17 Lolo 1·47km Eeast of Lalara. A.maculatum
PEG94 / 18 51kms north of Mitzic on the Oyém road between the villages Nkey & Ongongo which the villagers call Otong Babossol. A.cameronense, A.herzogi, Barb & Ctenopoma sp.
PEG94 / 19 64kms northeast of Oyém on the Minvoul road, near the village of Essoné. The stream is called the Mfanyé. A.cameronense, A.herzogi, E.neumanni, Barb (1) & Ctenopoma sp (1). None distributed in captivity.
PEG94 / 20 Aply.spec., E.neumanni, A.kunzi
PEG94 / 21 Mbolo. A.herzogi
PEG94 / 22 7kms southwest of Minvoul on the road to Oyém in the stream called Melow near Medjong III. A.cameronense (none brought back to Europe).
PEG94 / 23 A.exiguum
PEG94 / 24 E.neumanni
PEG94 / 25 E.neumanni, Episemion spec.
PEG94 / 26
PEG94 / 27
PEG94 / 28 E.neumanni
PEG94 / 29 From Minvoul to a crossroads for Nkolmengboua the collectors started a measurement of distance towards the Cameroon border. They came to the Tara stream in 6·5kms. A.cameronense (2 males & 1 female). Probably the same location mentioned by Bardin & Lombard (GBL 85/19). In this 1985 collection they reported A.halleri but none were found in the PEG 94 collection.
PEG94 / 30 A.kunzi
PEG94 / 31 Collected on 16th August 1994 at about 1pm. A stream crossing the road which was mentioned by Bardon & Lombard (GBL 85). No killies found in the washing area here. Went 500 metres upstream where large numbers of A.halleri (brought back to Europe) were found along with small barbs & a Ctenopoma sp.
PEG94 / 32 Near the village of Oveng Mélén, 9kms west of the turning to Ebébiyin to Billy. The forest stream south of the road is called the Mvézé by villagers (also the name of the small river running parallel to the Ebébiyin to Billy road in a northwesterly direction. The biotope was drying up into pools trickling downstream through the mud. Collected in large numbers (adult & half grown) but not returned to Europe. A.halleri
PEG94 / 33 10kms south of Bitam on the Oyém road (PK 68 Oyém). In a stream near Tchimazok. Collected 17th August 1994. The collectors were shown a spring & small stream to the west of the road where villagers washed & soaked manioc. A.cameronense ( a few adult specimens but none brought back to Europe).
PEG94 / 34 As previous location but fished next day on the other side of the road. The stream here is called the Bibawe. A distance of 2kms as the crow flies from the previous location. A.spec.aff.bochtleri, A.cameronense (both species were returned alive to Europe).
PEG94 / 35 1km west along a turning to Ebek & Alen Esséng. This was 500 metres north of the village of Akam Effak (PK 25 Bitam & PK 50 Oyém). A stream from a spring. A.cameronense, A.sp.aff.herzogi (both species returned alive to Europe).
PEG94 / 36 20kms northwest of Oyém in a stream called the Mbolo near the village of Mbomo. A.cameronense (not returned to Europe).
PEG94 / 37 Between Yoss & Mékoga, northwest of Oyém in a small stream. A.cameronense, A.sp.aff.herzogi (not returned to Europe).
PEG94 / 38 31kms northwest of Oyém in the stream called the Mfémé near the village of Adzap. A.cameronense (brought back live to Europe), A.sp.aff.herzogi
PEG94 / 39 Same location as GWW 86/20 where they found Episemion callipteron. Passaro & Eberl failed to find E.callipteron as the biotope was choked & marshy with lots of dumped rubbish. Also tried further up the road but this was an area of dense undergrowth. A.cameronense (1 adult male & 2 young fish not returned to Europe).
PEG94 / 40 A.sp.aff.cameronense, A.sp.aff.herzogi
PEG94 / 41 Local location known as PK 82 Oyém & PK 26 Sam. This was a stream from a spring near the village of Ndonglo II. A.cameronense (not brought back to Europe).
PEG94 / 42 Near the village of Egnieng Melen in the Ndzembo stream. A.cameronense (brought back alive to Europe), A.sp.aff.herzogi
PEG94 / 43 Collected in the Oyab stream near Edoum. Collected 20th August 1994. Episemion callipteron were collected & brought back to Europe. A.sp.aff.herzogi, A.mimbon also found but small fish & not brought back.
PEG94 / 44 Collected in the Ndoube stream near Nzog Bour, 13kms southwest of Edoum & 31 kms from Médouneu. A.mimbon collected & brought back alive to Europe.
PEG94 / 45 Collected in the Fsinen stream near Avang, 18kms southwest of Edoum. Collected on 20th August. A.mimbon collected & brought back alive to Europe.
PEG94 / 46 Anzem. A.sp.aff.herzogi
PEG94 / 47
PEG94 / 48 North east of Mvang Ayong. A.microphtalmum, A.kouamense, E.sexfasciatus (orange), Plataplocheilus sp.aff.ngaensis
PEG94 / 49 Mbel-Alen, 102kms south of Edoum
PEG94 / 50 Nkam Eki, 124kms south of Edoum. A.striatum
PEG94 / 51

500 live specimens were brought back into captivity & 300 specimens preserved in alcohol.


Faszination Killifische: Die Aphyosemion cameronense Gruppe. Dadaniak, Lütje & Eberl.