
Additional Data for Fundulopanchax gulare schwoiseri Scheel & Radda 1974


Originally described as a subspecies of A.gulare by Scheel & Radda in 1974 but was later given full specific status by Radda in 1975. First collected by Schwoiser in 1974 between Malende & Yoke (on the Beau to Kumba road) which is situated south of Kumba. Monin later collected them in the same place. Amiet et al also collected them here in December 1984. Radda & Pürzl gave Mbonge as a collecting site in 'Killies aus aller Welt Vol 2' (1982).Radda & Pürzl also mentioned that Fp.sjoestedti was also found sympatric at this location.

Holotype - an adult male total length 134 mm.
Allotype - an adult female total length 85 mm.
Meristics - D = 16, A = 18-19, ll = 36.


Amiet (1987) mentions that travelling from Limbe (former Victoria) in the direction of Kumba the rich volcanic soils supporting plantations are replaced after Muyuka by detrital sediments giving a poorer soil. This sandy zone between Malende & Yoke supports limited vegetation in several marshy dales which create an ecological niche inhabited (in limited numbers) by Fp.schwoiseri (synonym of fallax). Sand holes formed by excavation have been created which have temporary pools & small streams within them. These biotopes are filled seasonally with brown water coloured by leaf litter within the area.

Within this area Fp.rubrolabialis is abundant.

The dry season in this area is January - February but these deep (1 - 2 metre) depressions are capable of sustaining water for longer periods than the surrounding area.

Maurice Chauche, a French aquarist reported a spawning in 1984 in Killie Revue (6) p18-23 (Journal of the KCF), he also took a photo of the male. Eggs from this spawning were dried for 'a little less than a month'. It was observed that eggs maintained constantly under water did not develop.
Egg diameter 1·6 mm. Fry on hatching measured 7 mm.