
First collected in June/July 1977 by a party of BKA members including Fred Wright, Rod Roberts et al. A report of this trip can be found in BKA newsletters 147 & 148, November/December 1977.

The fish were found in 2 roadside streams where pools were formed. The banks were well overhung with grasses & low bushes. The bottom of the streams was laterite & heavy clay. There was a moderate flow to these streams.
Water depth was 3'6" (just over a metre), width was 20' at its widest. Refuse was seen in the water & the area was used by the local inhabitants to wash motor vehicles etc. It was reported to be in a state of 'extreme pollution'. No aquatic plant life was recorded.
At 0800 hrs the water temperature was 77°F, pH 7, DH 4. Other sp. seen were Lampeye, E.bifasciatus (a new colour form), Procatopus & Characins, mainly Alestes longipinnis.

Collection site for the Lafia population of Fp.gardneri gardneri in a stream near the Catholic Mission, Lafia.
Photo: Fred Wright BKA Photo.


Fp.gardneri gardneri Lafia

Fp.gardneri gardneri Lafia. Distributed in the BKA in the early 1980's.

Gold form of Lafia circulating in the AKA 2002.
Photo courtesy of Bill Shenefelt.


Fp.gardneri gardneri Lafia Gold. Taken at the AIK Convention 2014.





