GS Codes

GS1 & GS2.
Collected in 1980.
I have not seen any material to place this collection code in any sp. Fp.oeseri is known to inhabit the island of Bioko. GS2 was collected on the mainland along with GS1 (known to have been distributed under Fp.marmoratus This sp. was considered to be the mainland form of oeseri which had evolved into a new species.).
Patrick de Rham collected this population in water with a temperature of 30°C.

GS 1. Photo courtesy of Stephen Boulet

GS 1 circulating in the BKA.
Photo courtesy of Pat Rimmer

GS 1 Male.
Photo courtesy of Roger Gladwell

GS 1 Female. Photo Roger Gladwell

Wild fish GS 2.
Photo courtesy of Werner Eigelshofen.


GS 2. Taken in 2002 by Alan Green.

GS 2. Taken in 2002 by Alan Green.

GS 2. Parent male to offspring males in the photo on the right.

GS 2. Young males from the parent male shown on the left. Note the submarginal band in the anal & pelvic fins which are very feint in the parent male. Also, the yellow in the marginal bands of the caudal fin has not developed.

I have bred both oeseri & GS2 which are similar. The anal & body striping & caudal shape are also characteristics of oeseri. Although a clear orange anal fin can be seen in oeseri, this sp. lacks the horizontal rows of spots on the flanks. Also, marmoratus has a distinct submarginal band in the anal fin.
Can be variable. I understand that both GS1 & GS2 were caught in the same place & females were mixed on site. This would make these forms unreliable in future generations & they should only be distributed as Fundulopanchax sp. GS1 & GS2.
I would add here that I have not been able to locate an article on the original collection & would hope to review this section when & if I can find a copy.
I would suggest that GS2 is a mainland form of oeseri although this is only my hypotheses.